13 week male , 8 month female, & 3 yr. female available.
13 week male , 8 month female, & 3 yr. female available.
Belle, a Coconut kid, will be coming to a ring near you soon after her litter of puppies with BISS GCHS CH Dynasty's Oughtabe Master of the Sea DJ DN CGC SDHF, Captain. Belle's sire BIS BISS CH Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder SDHF OS, James still holds the record as Top Winning Golden Retriever in history. Thank you Mary Burke for allowing the opportunity to use James in our program. James was one dog I will never forget watching him win multiple Best in Shows. Belle has big paws to fill! OFA hips excellent, elbows normal , Eyes and Heart Clear, DNA cleared by Embark. Belle will be earnng her CGC and dock diving titles soon.
Chanel is a combination of Rudy and Tickle which will not disappoint. Tickle was 2021 Best of Opposite to the Top Show Golden Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis. We are extremely excited to see this puppy grow up as she already has movement that is breathtaking to watch. We loved what Rudy produced with Bimini and knew Rudy would compliment Tickle while giving us the things we wanted in her offspring. We are thrilled with the outcome. Her sister Poppy, Dynasty's Play Two Win at Skye, is gorgeous too!
Tweet, a Birdie daughter, is sweet as can be and earned the nickname "sweet tweet. " Tweet hit the ring in Summer of 2024 and racked up many major reserves and BOS over specials. Now she is home to mature. She soon will try a paw at dock diving and earning her CGC. Another golden we produced with OFA Excellent hips!
Flurry is a beautiful Captain daughter that we are excited about. Beautifully balanced with fluid side movement. Impromptu photo. OFA Hips Good and Elbows Normal